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Creative IQ Test


Are your interested to make a Career in Design or Career in Architecture but not sure about your creative skills?

Take the creative IQ test now !!!

Creative IQ test evaluates a students future ability to acquire creative skills or knowledge. Creative IQ tests are designed to assess candidates creativity, logical reasoning and thinking performance. They consist of multiple choice questions and are administered under exam conditions. Tests result will be assessed by experts so that  judgments can be made about candidates abilities.

Whats the need of Creative IQ test?

  • Every child has certain level of creativity ,which has been acquired during school days or  through day to day activities. Design field is not meant for everyone, but for students who can imagine about possibilities, out of box ideas and can explore various solutions of a problem.
  • Now a days, most of us look for job satisfaction, a field where one can work passionately,  with various level of challenges.

  • Most of Parents wish a career of their ward in conventional fields like Engineering, medicine etc. However, we suggest them to understand and observe their child interest and passion and get counselled from experts before making any final call of career. Even Non conventional fields like "Design and Architecture "has equal opportunities  and commercial viabilities.
       You can read more about  -   "Career in Architecture"
                                                          "Career in Design" 

  • To check your creative Quotient/potential for "career in Design and Architecture" you can take extensive assessment of the "Creative Aptitude Test "Online or at our Main Hyderabad Centre with a prior appointment. To know more about it contact +91-9 700 707 707                                              or Email us - enquiry@takshshila.in

Fees - Rs. 2500/-