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Previous year Question Papers

Previous Years Question Papers of

NIFT | NID | NATA | B.ARCH | CEED | UCEED Entrance Exam

Solving past years Question papers is advisable to students to gain confidence, before attempting the Final exams. Solving Question papers provides students the knowledge paper pattern, but one should not completely rely on it, as there could be surprises in next exam. Unlike Engineering exams, most  of Top design & Architecture institutes does not prescribe syllabus, so it becomes quite difficult to prepare on your own, so to save your precious time in research and preparation, take an help of an expert. Takshshila is having experience of over 21 years, in coaching of entrance exam of  NIFT | NID | NATA | B.ARCH | CEED | UCEED.

Students are advised to learn and prepare well about basic drawing skills like 2-D & 3-D compositions, situations, perspective applications, colors applications, non conventional usage applications etc. before going through past year NIFT |  NID | NATA | B.ARCH |  CEED | UCEED Question papers. At Takshshila we conduct creative IQ test for students benefits & also train students with little or no knowledge of basic skills of drawing ability.  We further train them advance syllabus of these exams. To test their knowledge and application of ideas we conduct a lot of internal exams based on pattern of these Question papers.

  • UID Question Papers